CS03: Remediating a Tank Pit

EN RX Reagent Gets Site Closure

Fuel Storage Area at the Verlite Industrial Facility, Tampa, FL
FDEP Site Number: 8625318

Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (UST) were found to have contaminated an area at the Verlite manufacturing facility. Upon their removal, contaminated soils were identified but not removed. A soil vapor extraction system was installed and operated for one year but did not reduce the site contamination to closure levels.

A pilot test was used to assess the effectiveness of the EN Rx Reagent to further address the on-site contaminant mass. During the test 2,200 gallons of injectant was distributed into vertical wells in the tank pit area and into a former recovery well. Post monitoring results showed that it was successful in reducing the Benzene and MTBE levels. The below tables show the sampling results from two key wells.

Monitoring after the injection event showed benzene and MTBE levels decreasing and reaching GCTLs, in both the tank pit area and downgradient. After successfully meeting the goal of GCTLs throughout post active remediation monitoring, the site received a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO) and No Further Action (NFA) was awarded. Over one injection event the EN Rx Reagent targeted and destroyed the on-site contamination that remained after other remediation attempts, and effectively helped the consultant receive closure on their site.

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