CS01: Free Product Oxidized

EN Rx Reagent has Large Reductions

Active gas station in Sebring, FL
FDEP Site Number: 8629375

Two site features that have long been a detriment to chemical oxidant treatments at sites have been overcome by EN Rx Reagent. These are free product treatment and shallow water tables. Generally, chemical oxidants are so violently reactive to free product that it becomes dangerous to both workers and site peripherals, not to mention it may be counter productive. Shallow water tables generally create a situation where short-circuiting is certain to happen, and it becomes difficult to inject the needed quantities into the ground. The Gate 1204 site was treated using our Support Platform (SP) system which allows the slow injection of activated reagent. The system is only possible because of our EN Rx Reagent proprietary activation which safely lasts more than 90 days on the surface while maintaining effectiveness. Similarly, it is the same activator that allows us to attack free product level concentrations with minimal or no measurable heat generation.


  • 4 discharges from a leaking Underground Storage Tank (UST) had contaminated an area at this active gas station.
  • Shallow water table (1 -2 ft) created a difficult cleanup scenario.
  • Free Product (FP) was measured in wells since 2007 (apparent discharge) in three wells around the tank farm.
  • After bio-amendment treatment and excavation of contaminated soils, FP was still measurable on site.



  • The injection lasted 3 months and injected a dosage of 14,000 pounds of EN Rx Reagent into vertical wells.
  • No excessive heat was found due to the reaction and all three FP wells are now being sampled as non FP wells.
  • The plume size was minimized for future treatments (four wells were reduced to NADCs, including both deep wells)


  • After post injection monitoring, the SP system injected 18,000 pounds of EN Rx Reagent over 3 months.
  • A reduction was measured in all monitoring wells in post injection monitoring, with 6 wells now below GCTLs.
  • The FP wells saw overall reductions of 90% and greater.

* Historically, higher results (water table fluctuation may add confusion) ** Historically this location measured free product

ESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The implementation of injecting the EN Rx Reagent via the Support Platform system was not only effective at alleviating issues usually experienced when injecting into shallow water tables, but also exhibited powerful reduction results. The long lasting and stable nature of the EN Rx Reagent allowed for the safe injection into zones of free product with no violent surface reactions. After two events 6 wells reached below GCTL’s, and only one remained above NADC’s. EN Rx Reagent did the heavy lifting which allowed this site to move into NAM. The strength of the EN Rx Reagent oxidant has shown again that it can stand up to high concentrations and offer consultants the reduction and results they are looking for.

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